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Claremont High School Academy


Our Curriculum Intent

At Claremont High School Academy the curriculum is designed to provide every child with the opportunity to establish lifelong learning for lifelong achievement. Claremont has an academic curriculum with vocational pathways which encourages breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding for all. Our inclusive curriculum creates resilient individuals with transferable knowledge and skills and the confidence to question and challenge.

The purpose of our learning curriculum is to create confident individuals who are able to engage with and have the required skills to succeed in the world of further and higher education and eventually the workforce. As adults, they will be financially aware, technologically safe and understand how to remain healthy in body, mind and relationships. Finally, our students will be able to face the world with a cultural and moral awareness of our multi ethnic society and their participation in it.

Our Curriculum vision

Our Curriculum Vision

Further information

Please email the school directly for further information concerning the curriculum


Curriculum Maps

 For half termly curriculum maps by year group click here

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Intent by Year Group from September 2024

In Years 7, 8 and 9 pupils study the Keystage Three National Curriculum as well as PE and PSHEE/RSE.

The number in brackets indicates the number of hours allocated per two week timetable cycle. 

 Year 7

English (7), Maths (7), Science (7), History (3), Geography (3), Religious Education (2), Computing (2), Design Technology/ Food/ CAD CAM rotation (2), Art and Design (2), Music (2), Drama (2), Physical Education (4), French/Spanish or German/Spanish (6), Personal, Social & Health Education (1) 

Selected pupils are withdrawn from a small number of lessons for additional support.

Year 8

English (8), Maths (7), Science (7), History (3), Geography (3), Philosophy and Religious Education (2), Design Technology/ Food/ CAD CAM rotation (2), Art and Design (2), Music (2), Drama (2), Computing (2), Physical Education (4), French,  Spanish or German (5), Personal, Social & Health Education (1) 

Selected pupils are withdrawn from a small number of lessons for additional support.

Year 9

English (7), Maths (8), Science (6), History (3), Geography (3), Philosophy and Religious Education (2), Physical Education (4), French, German or Spanish (5), Drama, (2) Music (1), Art and Design (2), Food (1), Design and Technology (2), Computing/Information Technology (2), Personal, Social & Health Education (1), Financial Literacy (1). 

 Selected pupils are withdrawn from a small number of lessons for additional support. 


Key Stage 4 Curriculum Intent by Year Group 

At Key Stage 4, all pupils study a core curriculum alongside their option choices that are decided on the basis of their progress at Key Stage 3 and their interests.  

More information concerning the Options is available in the guide below:

KS4 Subject Guide

Option Choices

The way in which the option columns are designed allows pupils to take a broad range of subjects from different curriculum areas, accommodates the needs of individuals and provide progression to their next stage of learning.

The number in brackets indicates the number of hours allocated per two week timetable cycle.

Year 10 and 11


GCSE English (8), GCSE Maths (7), Physical Education (2)  Personal, Social & Health Education (1)  Philosophy and Religious Education (2) 

GCSE Combined Science (10) /Separate Sciences (15)  

Pupils study one subject in each column:




GCSE German 

GCSE French 

GCSE Spanish


*Information Technology 






GCSE History 

GCSE Geography 


Option Support 




GCSE Art & Design 

GCSE Business 

 GCSE Computer Science 

GCSE Design and Technology 

GCSE Drama 

GCSE Economics

GCSE Food & Nutrition 

GCSE Geography 

GCSE History 

Cambridge National Information Technology 

Cambridge National Health and Social Care

GCSE Music 

GCSE Physical Education 

GCSE Religious Education 

GCSE Separate Sciences 

GCSE Sociology 

Philosophy and Religious Education

Philosophy and Religious Education is compulsory throughout the school.

The approach used in the study of R.E. at Claremont High School Academy is one which emphasises the spiritual and sacred nature of all faith traditions and considers in breadth the major world religions to try to give students a better understanding of religion. All students study core R.E. at Ks4 as a non-examined subject.  Students have the option to take it as a GCSE if they wish.


PSHE is a dedicated subject on the timetable, taught by a specialised team. The PSHE Department’s curriculum is designed to allow our students to confidently and safely navigate the world, and begin to flourish as they leave school and enter further education. This fits in with the whole school intent to create technologically safe students who are financially aware and able to understand how to remain healthy in body, mind and relationships. The curriculum rationale is also made to reflect the school’s values and contribute to the school life and its community."

See the PSHE subject page under the student life tab for more information.

Key Stage 5 Curriculum Intent 

Students in the sixth form can choose an A Level pathway, Level 3 vocational pathway (BTEC or Cambridge National) or a combined A Level and vocational pathway, depending on their results at GCSE and choice of subjects.  We provide guidance to all students about the best pathway for them from Year 10 onwards to ensure they make an informed choice and are on the right courses.  The majority of our students study 3 A Levels or A Level equivalents, although occasionally students will choose to study 4 A Levels.

Students who have not achieved a grade 4 at GCSE in English or Maths are required to continue these subjects in Year 12. The retake English and Maths classes are scheduled in a different column to the BTEC subjects to avoid clashes.

From January in Year 12, students can take part in our Extended Project Qualification programme.  They are taught research and study skills before going on to complete the EPQ by working independently, supported by an academic mentor.  This in-depth study provides a context for developing critical thinking and project management skills, these skills are widely transferable and help students become more confident in other areas of study.  Universities recognise the EPQ as a qualification in addition to student's A Level/Vocational courses.  

Pupils follow an enrichment program which includes PSHEE and PRE.

All Level 3 (A Level and Vocational) courses are allocated 9 hours of teaching per subject in the two week timetable. All sixth form students follow an enrichment / tutorial program of study that is a requirement in the sixth form.

Click here for more information about the Sixth Form Curriculum.