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Claremont High School Academy


Head of Department

Ms Z Adaci


 A Level

Exam Board


Entry Requirements

6 in History and 6 English Language

Why study this course

History enables students to acquire the abilities to research effectively, think logically, evaluate and interpret evidence, develop a coherent and succinct argument and communicate both verbally and in written form.

This makes History students very employable and is a subject favoured by many employers. Indeed, it is particularly useful if you are thinking about a career in Law, Journalism, Civil Service (including the Foreign Office), Accountancy, Politics, Banking & Finance, Academia, Business, Management or Teaching.

Moreover, our students enjoy History and the departments’ ethos of instilling a lifelong passion for the subject carries through. The lessons are fresh and interesting and constantly evaluated and developed.

Course Overview

What we study

Exam Board: AQA

1A: Age of the Crusades 1071-1204

2S: The Making of Modern Britain 1951-2007

Coursework: The causes of Indian Independence 1847-1947




Through the Crusades, students are able to explore motivations of faith and ideas in the medieval period, as well as cultural exchange.

Modern Britain allows students to explore post-War Britain, the dismantling of empire and the impact of figures such as Thatcher.

The India coursework helps students unpack the origins of the British Raj, the impact on the Indian people and why independence was achieved in 1947.

Exam Specification

AQA History Specification


AQA Age of the Crusades SOW

AQA Making of Modern Britain SOW


There are many enriching and extracurricular opportunities throughout the 2 years of A Level History. We have 2 residential trips – one to Liverpool, in the summer of Y12, and one to Berlin, in February of Y13. Students also visit the National Archives and the Houses of Parliament. There are also many lectures, plays and exhibitions that students attend with us throughout the year that are related to the A Level content and beyond.  

Future Pathways

The Russell Group, which represents 24 leading UK universities, defines History as a facilitating subject. These are the subjects most commonly required, or preferred subjects, by universities to get on to a range of degree courses.

Our A Level Historians go on to a range of History related and non-History related degrees and pathways.

Destinations include SOAS, Loughborough, Queen Mary, Warwick, Birmingham, Nottingham, Bristol, Cambridge.

Degrees pursued by our Historians include History, Law, International Relations, Journalism, Business Management, Economics, Medicine and many more.