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Claremont High School Academy

Monty's Menus

At Claremont we believe that we play an important role in supporting the health and well-being of all of our students.

All food is prepared and cooked by our trained catering staff in state-of-the-art kitchens.  

Here at Claremont High School we aim to provide students and staff with a variety of healthy nutritious meals that taste as good as they look and form an essential part of a healthy balanced diet.  We offer a variety of fresh seasonal food prepared on site based on modern ethnically diverse dishes that provide a contemporary twist on conventional school meals.

Each of our menus run for the entire term and we operate a 4 week rolling option so that pupils can enjoy a wide range of delicious dishes across a 4 week period.

All menus begin on week 1 at the start of each half term so parents can track what choices there are for their child.

Our menus do outline the allergens in our dishes and we make every effort to ensure all pupils' needs are catered for.  Please note we can not 100% guarantee that our menus are allergen free.

Click on the LINK BELOW FOR Monty's Menus!


Monty's Menu Spring 2025

Monty's menu for Autumn term 2024


Overview of our prices for 2024-25 can also be found on the attached link:  Monty's price list 2024


Meat Free Mondays!

We have introduced ‘Meat Free Mondays’ as part of the national campaign to reduce meat consumption and help increase food security in the UK and in less economically developed countries.

Cultural Tasting Days:

As part of our commitment to celebrating diversity we host cultural days whereby pupils have an opportunity to try foods from a particular country.  This focus enables us to help to continue to build our inclusive community and create opportunities for pupils to experience different cultures.

Find out more here