Mr Rudd
A Level
6 in English and 7 in Music
6 in English and grade 6 in ABRS practical exam at merit or above
A level music is a tool in which you can immerse yourself, and become highly accomplished at a wonderful subject which stays with you and for the rest of your life.
Students will pursue their chosen instrument throughout the course with individual lessons and participation in school ensembles. They will have regular opportunities to perform through years 12 and 13 and receive mock recital opportunities at regular intervals. Formal assessment of performance will be via a solo recital
There will be foundation work on composing key skills, including Bach Chorales, and students will compose the free composition in year 12, and the set brief in year 13. We make extensive use of the computer suite using ‘Sibelius’ software. Formal assessment of composing will be via a portfolio of compositions.
3) SET WORKS (40%)
The content of the set works will be covered over two years with slightly more in year 12 to allow time for examination technique and revising at the end of year 13. This component focusses on:
a) knowledge and understanding of musical elements, contexts and language
b) Application of knowledge through the context of six areas of study, each with two set works, with the exception of Popular Music and Jazz, which has three set works.
Clear and coherent structure – our qualification has a straightforward structure with three engaging components: practical performances, compositions and one externally examined paper. As a performer, you will have an opportunity to present an extended solo recital. As a composer you will complete one free composition and one set brief composition. As a musical analyst, you will cover the following areas of study: vocal music, instrumental music, music for film, popular music and jazz, fusions, new directions, application of knowledge to unfamiliar works
Provides a real music focus – the key content of musical elements, contents and language are taught through the Areas of Study and set work to show real examples of how these are used within different types of music.
Holistic understanding of music – students investigate, analyse and evaluate music and its features. Building on this, and by using practical methods, they are encouraged to take a more holistic view of their knowledge, performance and compositional skills.
Breadth and depth – the set works enable students to conduct in depth studies into different musical styles and genres, and place these within a wider context.
Diverse musical heritage – students will learn to perform, compose and appreciate different types of music, developing critical and creative thinking, cultural, aesthetic and emotional awareness, and the ability to make music individually and as part of a group.
Students will be offered a private lesson on their chosen instrument, or they may wish to have their own external instrumental teacher
All A level students are expected to participate in musical ensemble in school
We offer three formal concerts per year (Autumn, Spring, Summer) and A level students take leading roles in these events.
A level students offer smaller scale informal lunchtime concerts called ‘Claremoncerts’
Opportunity to participate in music trips to concerts or productions
The content builds on the understanding developed at KS4, avoiding unnecessary repetition while also ensuring that learners new to the subject are appropriately supported. Music can fundamentally be divided into performing, composing, understanding/analysing, so an A level builds on these vital core principals and takes them to a whole new level. The development of these key skills of music enables students to progress into undergraduate music or music related degree courses