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Claremont High School Academy

Options FAQs

These FAQs deal with general information about the Year 9 options process, with more specific detail given in the information evening and option booklet.

When does the options process take place?

The Year 9 options process takes place during January of Year 9.  There are a series of information meetings with students and parents (see below) and the deadline for choices to be submitted is the 4th of March.

How are parents and students informed?

Students are informed of the options process during an Option Assembly, in addition to individual form time Q&A sessions. Information for parents will be circulated from the 17th of January.  Year 9 parents consultation evening is before the deadline for submission of options choices so that discussions with subject teachers regarding choices are possible.

What options are available?

The current options pattern is that most students must choose one Language (French, Spanish or German) and one Humanity (Geography or History). They then get two free choices. All students will study English Language, English Literature, Maths, Science. There are usually some subjects offered at KS4 that students will not previously have studied; these are highlighted during the student and parent’s information meetings as well as the options booklet.

How many GCSEs will my son or daughter study?

The vast majority of students will study 9 GCSEs. These include GCSEs in the core subjects - English Language, English Literature, Maths, Science (either the 2 GCSE Combined Science or 3 GCSE Triple Science option), Humanities (Geography or History), MFL (French, Spanish or German). These core GCSEs will be supplemented further choices which will bring the total number of GCSE/vocational subjects to 9.

What happens if a student wishes to change his mind?

If a student wishes to change his option choice after the deadline he/she should consult Mr Skordi, Deputy Headteacher. Please note that changes are very difficult to accommodate, especially where subject groups are full and there is no guarantee requests for changes can be accommodated.

Does one of my option choices have to be a Modern Foreign Language?

The vast majority of pupils will continue with the language they are currently studying, either French, Spanish or German. However, a minority of students will benefit from studying an alternate subject and not continuing with their Modern Foreign Language. Student's current Modern Foreign Language teacher and Head of Languages will decide which pupils will not continue with languages, students / parents will be informed directly of this decision. For these students they will be able to do an IT based course. 

What are the entrance criteria for Triple Science?

To be eligible for Triple Science you must be currently predicted to achieve a grade 5 in Science by the end of the Year 9. In addition, you must be predicted to achieve a grade 5 in Maths.

What are the entrance criteria for GCSE Computing & Economics?

To be eligible for Computing you must be currently predicted to achieve a grade 6 in Computing by the end of the Year 9. In addition, you must be predicted to achieve a grade 5 in Maths.

To be eligible for Economics you must be currently predicted to achieve a grade 5 or better in English and Maths by the end of the Year 9.